Saturday, June 22, 2013

Organizing closets with custom shelves

Keeping children's closets organized can be tricky

Step number one is assessing what they already have that may be used and what is not working.

The girls didn't want to loose their hamper on the bottom of the Pepto Bismal shelving bag. But I wasn't sure how else it could be used.

My oldest grandson had confiscated wooden shelves from his brother's closet to stash his stuff but they didn't make good use of the space he had. Basically, nothing fit without bulging into the room.

Every child liked to keep stuff so we had to figure a good way to keep the keepsakes in good shape. I was amazed how easily each youth went through shelves and shelves of old things and pulled out the best ones to keep in one sturdy box per child. Well, one sturdy box plus a large paper envelope for the larger art projects. Okay, one child had another corner on her upper shelf for "things that took a long time to make". Neither she nor I can tell you what they were but I'm sure they must be valuable.

Important tip: additions to the keepsake box should be easy or at least easy enough to keep the items off the floor and dresser top. Otherwise, it will be the same project next summer.

 My youngest grandson's closet was the most confusing. No one could decide whose stuff belonged where. The only instructions I received from "Mom" was, "No toys with the cloths."

 The girls had enough bags to start their own store so a shelf and hook rack did the trick. (There is another large bag full of bags in the unused corner of the closet.)

 Robes seemed like a good item to be kept on the Pepto shelves. They are not used very often and didn't fit anywhere else very easily.

 I noticed that most girls like a shelf to stash their stuff that is high enough to use easily. Otherwise, their dresser becomes the "catch all".

 Teenage boys need lots of shelves too for important things like old magazines and pop bottles. Who knows the purpose behind that common collection but it's easier to make room for them than to get into a power struggle of some kind.

The little boys closet was easier to fix. Take the corner shelves back from their older brother for clothes on shelves rather than stuffed in drawers, move the older boy's hang ups high and the younger boy's low. Wow that was genius don't you think? Toys found a new home outside their closet but we'll see how long that lasts.

Anyway, rooms have been kept much cleaner the past month and I haven't heard of anything missing yet. There is hope.

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